The boundary-condition model of the two-nucleon interaction due to Feshbach and Lomon is used without an external potential tail to determine the ground-state properties of the three-nucleon system for the purpose of studying the off-energy-shell properties of the two-body T matrix. Calculations are performed using an average singlet-triplet s-wave interaction giving a completely symmetric triton wave function. The T matrix is separable and depends on three energy-independent parameters — the boundary radius r0 and the boundary condition f at r0+ε which are determined from the two-nucleon phase shifts, and the boundary condition b at r0ε which is specifically an off-shell parameter that does not appear in the on-shell T matrix. With f=0.11 and r0=0.95 F, the Faddeev equations are solved for the triton energy eigenvalues and spectator functions for several values of b. It is found that the binding energy varies from 3.9 to 19.4 MeV for b between 0.5 and 0.6, with a value of 8.5 MeV at r=0.537. The average kinetic energy and charge form factor are determined as a function of b, and qualitative agreement of the charge radius with experiment is obtained for b=0.50.6. The charge form factor, compared with experiment, does not drop off rapidly enough with q2, indicating the presence of relatively too much large q component in the spectator functions. The changes to be expected from the inclusion of tensor coupling in the boundary parameters are discussed.