Population of analogs of excited states inCu63(p, n)at 16, 19, and 22 MeV

The Cu63(p, n) analog and excited analog differential cross sections have been measured at bombarding energies of 16, 19, and 22 MeV. Analogs of excited states populated by the (p, n) reaction in medium mass odd-A nuclei have not been previously reported. Coupled-channel calculations for the (p, n) reaction to the 52 and 72 excited analog states give differential cross sections at 19 and 22 MeV in excellent agreement with measurements. At 16 MeV, the measured 52, 72, and ½ cross sections are higher than calculations at the middle angles, perhaps reflecting the contribution from preequilibrium processes. At 16 and 19 MeV the ½ angular distribution shapes suggest some spin-flip contribution. The calculated cross section for the ½ state is too high at 22 MeV. As in even-A nuclei a two-step mechanism is mainly responsible for the population of excited analog states in Cu63(p, n).