Mating system of Eucalyptuscitriodora in a seed-production area

Arrays of open-pollinated seeds were assayed for allozyme polymorphisms at three loci (Adh, Gdh, and Mdh-2) to obtain a quantitative estimate of outcrossing rate in a seed-production area of Eucalyptuscitriodora (Hook). Rate of outcrossing varied among loci, but suggested overall that up to 14.7% of the seed might be derived from self-fertilization at the viable embryo stage. Such a level of partial self-fertilization, together with local variation in the mating system, yielded an observed average inbreeding coefficient of 0.205 for these loci in the progeny arrays. By contrast, the mature trees exhibited substantial excesses of heterozygotes (F = −0.300), concordant with but not necessarily supportive of earlier hypotheses that selection against homozygotes through the life cycle occurred in eucalypts.