Effectiveness Of Intravesical Resiniferatoxin For Anticholinergic Treatment Refractory Detrusor Overactivity Due To Nonspinal Cord Lesions

Purpose: Evidence suggests that unmyelinated C fibers become predominant in the mediation of the detrusor reflex in patients with chronic spinal cord lesions and possibly in idiopathic detrusor hyperactivity. Intravesical vanilloid therapy might be effective in treating refractory detrusor overactivity due to nonspinal cord lesion. This study investigated the clinical effect of intravesical resiniferatoxin in treating detrusor overactivity of nonspinal cord lesions refractory to anticholinergics. Materials and Methods: A total of 41 patients received intravesical resiniferatoxin therapy with 10 ml of 100 nM resiniferatoxin in 10% ethanol solution for 40 minutes. The clinical effects on a decrease in incontinence episodes and urodynamic study were evaluated at baseline and after treatment. Clinical improvement was considered if patients became dry or had a decrease in incontinence episodes of 50%. Therapeutic results were analyzed by disease category and type of initial detrusor response. Results: Of the 41 patients 10 had neurogenic lesions, 18 had previous transurethral prostatectomy and 13 had idiopathic detrusor overactivity. There were 20 women and 21 men with a mean age of 73.6 years (range 43 to 82) and a symptom duration of 3.6 ± 4.5 years. After resiniferatoxin treatment 21 patients had clinical improvement (51.2%) including 5 with neurogenic (50%), 11 with previous transurethral prostatectomy (61.1%) and 5 with idiopathic detrusor overactivity (38.5%). An improvement was found in 11 patients with type I initial response (84.6%), 3 patients with type II response (23%) and 7 patients with type III response (46.7%). The 21 patients with improvement had a significant increase in cystometric capacity (208 ± 80.7 vs 287.2 ± 118.6 ml, p = 0.001) and a significant decrease in detrusor pressure (33.6 ± 11.1 vs 27.4 ± 11.8 cmH2O, p = 0.047), but no significant difference in maximal flow rate and residual urine volume. Conclusions: Intravesical resiniferatoxin was effective in treating refractory detrusor overactivity in 51.2% of patients with nonspinal cord lesions. Patients with detrusor overactivity due to previous bladder outlet obstruction benefited the most. Detrusor contractility decreased after resiniferatoxin treatment in the group with improvement but did not influence voiding efficiency. The initial detrusor response to resiniferatoxin treatment might predict the clinical outcome.