The heat-labile dimethyl sulphide (DMS) precursor in green malt has been isolated using ion exchange chromatography and gel-filtration under mild conditions. The final preparation had ∼0.7 mol potential DMS per mol amino groups. Thin layer chromatography of this preparation, and the gel-filtration behaviour of both crude and purified preparations, showed that the precursor had identical properties to S-methylmethionine (SMM). The DMS precursor in a continental lager malt was also examined. The malt had been kilned under conditions which were expected to lead to a significant content of ‘active’ DMS precursor (reported to be metabolized to free DMS by suitable yeast strains, and contrasting with the ‘inactive’ green malt precursor). The DMS precursor in an extract of this kilned malt had the same elution volume on Sephadex G15 as SMM. There was no evidence for any difference from the DMS precursor in green malt. It is concluded that SMM is the only heat-labile DMS precursor in malt.