Proteome Analysis of Microdissected Tumor Tissue Using a Capillary Isoelectric Focusing-Based Multidimensional Separation Platform Coupled with ESI-Tandem MS

This study demonstrates the ability to perform sensitive proteome analysis on the limited protein quantities available through tissue microdissection. Capillary isoelectric focusing combined with nano-reversed-phase liquid chromatography in an automated and integrated platform not only provides systematic resolution of complex peptide mixtures based on their differences in isoelectric point and hydrophobicity but also eliminates peptide loss and analyte dilution. In comparison with strong cation exchange chromatography, the significant advantages of electrokinetic focusing-based separations include high resolving power, high concentration and narrow analyte bands, and effective usage of electrospray ionization-tandem MS toward peptide identifications. Through the use of capillary isoelectric focusing-based multidimensional peptide separations, a total of 6866 fully tryptic peptides were detected, leading to the identification of 1820 distinct proteins. Each distinct protein was identified by at least one distinct peptide sequence. These high mass accuracy and high-confidence identifications were generated from three proteome runs of a single glioblastoma multiforme tissue sample, each run consuming only 10 μg of total protein, an amount corresponding to 20 000 selectively isolated cells. Instead of performing multiple runs of multidimensional separations, the overall peak capacity can be greatly enhanced for mining deeper into tissue proteomics by increasing the number of CIEF fractions without an accompanying increase in sample consumption.