Redundant data and exact helical cone-beam reconstruction

This paper is about helical cone-beam reconstruction and the use of redundant data in the framework of two reconstruction methods. The first method is the approximate wedge reconstruction formula introduced by Tuy at the 3D meeting in 1999. The second method is a (exact) hybrid implementation of the exact filtered backprojection formula of Katsevich (2004 Adv. Appl. Math. at press) that combines filtering in the native cone-beam geometry with backprojection in the wedge geometry. The similarity of the two methods is explored and their image quality performance is compared for geometries with up to 112 detector rows. Furthermore, the concept of aperture weighting is introduced to allow the handling of variable amounts of redundant data. A reduction of motion artefacts using redundant data is demonstrated for geometries with 16, 32 and 112 detector rows using a pitch factor of 1.25. For scans with up to 100 rows, utilizing 50% of the redundant data provided excellent results without any introduction of cone-beam artefacts. For larger cone angles, an alternative approach that utilizes all available redundant data, even at reduced pitch factors, is suggested.