The usual differential form P0 for the quantum‐mechanical momentum operator P which is conjugate to a generalized coordinate q (α ≤ q ≤ β) is, in atomic units, P0 = − i(g−½) ∂/∂q (g½), where g is the Jacobian of the transformation from Cartesian to generalized coordinates. However, P0 is not always self‐adjoint on the domain D of physically acceptable bound‐state wavefunctions, as a proper quantum‐mechanical operator should be. An integral form is proposed for P, defined by Pf(q)=(2π)12g12(q) −∞exp (ikq)kF(k) dk,  α≤q≤β , where F(k)=(2π)12αβexp (−ikξ)f(ξ)g12(ξ) dξ,  f∈D . The effect of this integral operator (which is suggested by the ideas of Fourier transforms) differs from that of P0 only at the end‐points of the range of q. In a sense, it is formally equivalent to an operator (suggested by Robinson and Hirschfelder) which is obtained by adding certain delta‐function terms to P0, but it suffers from none of the defects, since delta‐functions do not appear explicitly. Various properties of the integral operator are derived. Some discussion of the domain D is presented as an appendix.

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