Sequential thymidine radiograms from rats injected on days E16, E17, E18, and E19 and killed 2 hours after injection and at daily intervals up to day E22 were used to establish the site of origin, migratory route, and settling patterns of neurons of the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basal pontine gray. The nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis neurons, which are produced predominantly on days E15 and E16, derive from the primary precerebellar neuroepithelium. These cells, unlike those of the lateral reticular and external cuneate nuclei, take an anteroventral subpial route, forming the anterior precerebellar extramural migratory stream. This migratory stream reaches the anterior pole of the pons by day E18. In rats injected on day E16 and killed on day E18 some of the cells that reach the pons are unlabeled, indicating that they represent the early component of neurons generated on day E15. The cells labeled on day E16 begin to settle in the pons on day E19, 3 days after their production. These cells, migrating in an orderly temporal sequence, form a posterodorsal-to-anteroventral gradient in the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis. Unlike the neurons of all the other precerebellar nuclei, the basal pontine gray neurons derive from the secondary precerebellar neuroepithelium. The secondary precerebellar neuroepithelium forms on day E16 as an outgrowth of the primary precerebellar neuroepithelium, and it remains mitotically active through day E19, spanning the entire period of basal pontine gray neurogenesis. The secondary precerebellar neuroepithelium is surrounded by a horizontal layer of postmitotic cells, representing the headwaters of the anterior precerebellar extramural migratory stream. In rats injected on day E18 and killed on day E19 the cells are labeled in the proximal half of the stream around the medulla but those closer to the pons are unlabeled, indicating an orderly sequence of migration. In rats injected on day E18 and killed on day E20 the labeled cells reach the pole of the pons. In the basal pontine gray the sequentially generated neurons settle in a precise order. The neurons generated on day E16 form a small core posteriorly and the neurons generated on days E17, E18, and E19 form regular concentric rings around the core in an inside-out sequence.

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