Phenomenology of the1mQexpansion in inclusiveBandDmeson decays

We apply a recent theoretical analysis of hadronic observables in inclusive semileptonic heavy hadron decays to the phenomenology of B and D mesons. Correlated bounds on the nonperturbative parameters Λ¯ and λ1 are derived by considering data from B decays and, independently, data from D decays. The two sets of bounds are found to be consistent with each other. The data from B decays then are used to extract a lower limit on the CKM matrix element |Vcb|. We address the issue of the convergence of the perturbative expansions used in the analysis, and compare our bounds on Λ¯ and λ1 to lattice and QCD sum rule results. Finally, we argue that a comparison of the analyses of D and Ds decays provides evidence for the applicability of parton-hadron duality in the semileptonic decay of charmed hadrons.