Evidence of Refrigerating Action by Means of Photon Emission in Semiconductor Diodes

More than 90% of the photons emitted from forward-biased GaAs diodes have energies hν higher than the applied voltage V. Thus, a portion of the energy of these photons must come from lattice heat. This portion is 3% of hν for photons at the peak of the incoherent emission spectrum. An upper limit of (hνqV) is estimated from thermodynamics. This difference is larger at 78 than 27°K, in agreement with theory. Also, the dependence of the effect on voltage and current is in fair agreement with expectations. At high forward currents, near the threshold for stimulated emission, hν is about equal to qV. The removal of heat, in the form of photon energy from the crystal, should in principle lead to refrigeration. The main requirement for net cooling is a quantum efficiency (photons/electron) higher than 0.97. At 10 mA, with an assumed quantum efficiency of 0.99, the heat removal rate (per diode) is estimated as 3×104 W compared to a Joule heating rate of 5×105 W.