Leisure‐time physical activity and other health behaviours: are they related?

Data on the associations between leisure-time physical activity and other health behaviours are conflicting. The National Heart Foundation 1989 Risk Factor Prevalence Survey data were analysed to examine the associations between leisure-time physical activity and other life-style health behaviours in a national representative sample with adjustment for potential confounders. Multivariate stepwise logistic regression analysis using data from 9054 respondents aged 20 to 69 years showed that participation in leisure-time physical activity, even when it was not vigorous, was weakly associated with not smoking, following a special diet and moderate consumption of alcohol; it was inversely associated with obesity. These weak associations could influence health practices at a population level if, as has been hypothesised, the adoption of leisure activity promotes the adoption of other good health practices. Confirmation of earlier findings of cross-sectional associations between activity and other positive health practices justifies future prospective or experimental studies to determine the behavioural response to adoption of leisure-time physical activity.