A new absorption band has been found at 5.10 eV in (C n H2n + 1NH3)2CdCl4: n = 1, 2, 3 in addition to the absorption bands of CdCl2 whose electronic structure resembles the former crystals. The energy of the additional peak shifts with temperature by as much as 0.38 eV from 5.10eV at room temperature (RT) to 5.48 eV at liquid nitrogen temperature. This large peak shift is attributed to a structural phase transition between these two temperatures. A new type of electron center has been found in these crystals (M = Cd, Mn; n = 1, 2, 3) irradiated with X-rays at 15 K in addition to the Cl2 . This shows optical absorption bands (IR bands) in the infrared region of 10 ∼ 20 kcm −1. The IR bands are assigned to an electron center where an electron is trapped at an ammonium site in the neighborhood of a Cl vacancy.