If a denervated cat''s muscle is stimulated electrically with single shocks, as from a condenser, the first contraction after a period of rest is more prolonged than succeeding contractions. Adrenaline mav decrease or increase the duration of the contraction. KC1, quinine hydro-chloride and CaCl12 decrease its duration. The spontaneous fibrillary activity characteristic of denervated muscle is decreased by intra-arterial injs. of quinine hydrochloride and KC1. Adrenaline may produce either an increase or a decrease of the fibrillations. The response of denervated muscle to acetylcholine is decreased by quinine and KC1. That various drugs induce uniform effects on 3 of the characteristics of denervated muscle[long dash]spontaneous fibrillation, prolonged first contraction and changed response to acetylcholine[long dash]is emphasized. The marked similarities in the characteristics of denervated muscle and myotonic muscle are pointed out, and the suggestion is made that one of the results of denervation is to produce a change in muscle similar to that which is present in myotonia.

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