Cryogenic infrared spectrometers and telescopes for atmosphere (CRISTA) project

The CRISTA experiment (CRyogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere) is a limb sounding instrument designed for high spatial resolution measurements of infrared emissions from the Earth's middle atmosphere. The principal scientific aim is to study small and medium scale structures in the concentrations of minor constituents which serve as tracers for the dynamical processes acting on these species. In order to achieve a high spatial resolution CRISTA is equipped with three telescopes each followed by its own grating spectro-meter. The spectrometers cover a wavelength range of 4 micrometers to 17 micrometers (all three viewing directions) and 55 micrometers to 71 micrometers (one telescope only) with a resolving power of about 300. Up to 15 trace gases will thus be measured simultaneously on a 500 X 650 km2 grid reaching from the lower strato-sphere to the upper mesosphere. For special soundings the measurements will occasionally be extended to an altitude of 150 km. The launch of CRISTA is planned for autumn 1994. CRISTA will be integrated into the free- flying platform CRISTA-SPAS and carried to a 57 degree(s) inclination orbit by the Space Shuttle. In the free-flying phase a measuring time of approximately on week is expected. The launch of CRISTA on CRISTA-SPAS will be together with the ATLAS-3 mission.

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