Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Tensors of 27Al in Andalusite (Al2SiO5)

The nuclear quadrupole coupling tensors of 27Al at the two crystallographically nonequivalent Al3+ sites in andalusite, Al2SiO5, have been determined from nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. For this, the Hamiltonian matrix for the mixed magnetic and electrostatic interaction was diagonalized and a minimization technique based on the least‐squares principle was used. The quadrupole coupling constants and asymmetry parameters are: Site Al1 eQVzz = 15.6 MHz, η = 0.08 (octahedral); Site Al2 eQVzz = 5.9 MHz, η = 0.70 (5‐coordinated). The site assignment which cannot be made from NMR data alone is based on point charge calculations (point multipole model). Previous assignments concluded from EPR data of Fe3+ and Cr3+ impurities at the Al3+ sites are confirmed. The principal axes of the magnetic Fe3+ and Cr3+ tensors deviate from the 27Al tensor axes by 1°–10°.

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