Hepatic arterial embolization for metastatic hormone-secreting tumors technique, effectiveness, and complications

Ten patients with hepatic metastases from islet cell tumors or carcinoid tumors had clinical symptoms from hormonal secretion and/or pain related to the mass effect of neoplastic liver involvement. Hepatic arterial embolization (HAE) using radiographically guided catheters to inject thrombogenic material was applied to the right and/or left hepatic arteries separately 5 to 7 days apart. All ten patients improved within days of the procedure as confirmed by a decrease in measurable hormone levels (gastrin, adrenocorticotropin, and 5‐hydroxy indole acetic acid) or by a decrease in tumor size and improved symptoms. Three patients underwent repeated reembolization from two to four times over nine to 50‐month intervals for symptom control. Complications of and indications for HAE in these patients are discussed. It appears to be an effective treatment for dealing with the hormonal syndromes and local symptoms related to the hepatic metastases of hormone‐secreting tumors.