The Role of EF‐Tu in the Expression of tufA and tufB Genes

We have studied the regulation of the expression of tufA and tufB, the two genes encoding EF-Tu in Escherichia coli. To this aim we have determined the intracellular concentrations of EF-TuA and EF-TuB under varying growth conditions by an immunological assay in mutants of E. coli constructed for this purpose. The data show that in wild-type cells the expression of tufA and tufB is regulated coordinately. This coordination is not restricted to steady-state growth conditions but is maintained throughout the life cycle of the cells up till the stationary phase. The ratio in which the two genes are expressed, however, may vary among cells with different genetic constitutions. Neither complete elimination of EF-TuB from the cell (by insertion of bacteriophage Mu DNA into tufB) nor elevation of the intracellular EF-TuB concentration (by transformation with plasmids harbouring tufB) has any effect on the expression of tufA. A specific single-site mutation of tufA, however, rendering EF-TuA resistant to the antibiotic kirromycin, disturbs the coordinate expression of tufA and tufB, enhancing tufB expression exclusively. These results have been interpreted by assuming that in wild-type cells the EF-Tu protein itself is involved in the regulation of the expression of tufB and that the mutant species of EF-Tu has lost this capacity either partially or completely. In agreement with this hypothesis are experiments performed in vitro with a coupled transcription/translation system programmed with DNA from a plasmid harbouring the entire tRNA-tufB transcriptional unit as a template. They show that addition to this system of EF-Tu in concentrations 2-5% of the endogenous amount results in strong inhibition of EF-Tu synthesis. We hypothesize that EF-Tu acts as an autogenous repressor, inhibiting tufB expression post-transcriptionally.