Characterization of three formulations of a synthetic foam as models for a range of human cancellous bone types

Porous polyurethane foams were prepared from Daro foam components with a range of mechanical properties to simulate human trabecular bone. Ratios of 10.0:5.0, 10.0:7.9, and 10.0:10.0 isocyanate to resin were mixed, cured, and cut into cubes. Properties were determined from uniaxial compression to 50% of the original cube height at a strain rate of 1.2 mm/s. Electron microscopy was used to characterize the foam structure. Average compressive yield stress values, ultimate compressive stresses, and elastic moduli ranged from 4.44 to 2.79, 5.61 to 3.28, and 134.0 to 110.1 MPa, respectively, for the three formulations. The foam materials showed a similar morphology of spherical bubbles, and the average bubble size tended to decrease as the ratio of isocyanate to resin increased even though the bubble size differences were not statistically significant. The results indicate that large blocks of foam can be prepared with consistent mechanical properties simulating a range of trabecular bone properties so that implants can be tested for various patient populations. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.