Isolation and Morphology of Temperate Agrobacterium tumefaciens Bacteriophage

Zimmerer, Robert P. (The Pennsylvania State University, University Park), Robert H. Hamilton, and Christine Pootjes. Isolation and morphology of temperate Agrobacterium tumefaciens bacteriophage. J. Bacteriol. 92:746–750. 1966.—Lysogeny was detected in 14 strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens among 130 bacterial strains tested with strain B-6 used as the host. Partial lysis was observed with 13 additional bacterial strains. Morphological studies of five strains showed that the phage had similar features. A typical phage (Lv-1) had a polyhedralshaped head, approximately 71 by 63 mμ, and a tail, approximately 211 mμ by 9.5 mμ. The phage nucleic acid was found to be deoxyribonucleic acid. The bacteriophage have been designated L (for lysogenic) followed by the bacterial strain designation in lower case letters. Images