Cadomian 40 Ar/ 39 Ar apparent age spectra of detrital muscovites from the Eastern Alps

Concentrates of detrital muscovite were prepared from the Bischofalm Quartzite (late Ordovician) exposed in the Southalpine Carnic Alps, Austria. Two size fractions (150–175 pm and 85-100 μm) from two samples display similarly discordant 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectra in which apparent ages systematically increase from c. 300 Ma to c. 600 Ma in low-temperature portions of each analysis. Intermediate- and high-temperature increments are characterized by apparent ages of c . 620–645 Ma. Characteristics of the age spectra suggest minor late Palaeozoic, Variscan or combined Variscan/Alpine rejuvenations of argon isotopic systems within detrital grains which originally crystallized within a late Precambrian source terrain. The detrital muscovite ages provide evidence for a Cadomian-age source region for some basement sequences within the Austroalpine/Southalpine sectors of the Eastern Alps. The occurrence of Cadomian-age detritus in the Eastern Alps suggests links with Armorica and other, similarly aged tectonic elements within Alpine chains initiating along northern margins of Gondwana.