Some microstructurally dependent magnetic properties of amorphous FeBSi alloys

Amorphous ribbons of two Fe82(B, Si)18 alloys have been furnace-annealed at temperatures ∼400 °C for times up to 25 h. The coercivity increases sharply at first, passes through a maximum, and then reaches a plateau after about 4 h anneal time. The saturation magnetization of the ribbons also increases slightly. These changes have been correlated with the microstructure observed with high voltage transmission electron microscopy. It is clear that the major factor is the formation of iron dendrites whose size and number density increase with time up to a saturation value. The volume fraction of crystallized material is directly related to coercivity. The interactions of dendrites with moving domain walls have also been studied: direct evidence of pinning effects when the dendrite size is of the order of the wall width is presented.