Comparative Radionuclide and Thermodilution Determinations of Cardiac Output and Stroke Volume in the Baboon ( Papio ursinus )

Thermodilution cardiac output determinations and multigated equilibrium blood‐pool scintigraphy were performed in ten healthy chacma baboons (Papio ursinus ). The correlation was moderately good between both the radionuclide and thermodilution stroke volume (r=0.58, SEE = 3 ml; SVth = 0.78SVr+15.6 ml) as well as the cardiac output (r=0.72, SEE=0.2 liter/min; COth=0.56 Cor+2.1 liter/min). The attenuation depth dr as determined by radionuclide techniques was found to correlate well with the radiologically determined values dx (r=0.8, SEE=0.4 cm; dx=0.87dr+0.72 cm) which validated the depth values used in the calculations.