• 13 April 2000
The conformal symmetry SO(d,2) of the massless particle in d dimensions, or superconformal symmetry OSp(N|4), SU(2,2|N), OSp(8|N) of the superparticle in d=3,4,6 dimensions respectively, had been previously understood as the global Lorentz symmetry and supersymmetries of 2T physics in d+2 dimensions. By utilising the gauge symmetries of 2T physics, it is shown that the dynamics can be cast in terms of superspace coordinates, momenta and theta variables or in terms of supertwistor variables a la Penrose and Ferber. In 2T physics these can be gauge transformed to each other. In the supertwistor version the quantization of the model amounts to the well known oscillator formalism for non-compact supergroups.

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