According to Poisson’s theory of the internal friction of fluids, a viscous fluid behaves as an elastic solid would do if it were periodically liquefied for an instant and solidified again, so that at each fresh start it becomes for the moment like an elastic solid free from strain. The state of strain of certain transparent bodies may be investigated by means of their action on polarized light. This action was observed by Brewster, and was shown by Fresnel to be an instance of double refraction. In 1866 I made some attempts to ascertain whether the state of strain in a viscous fluid in motion could be detected by its action on polarized light. I had a cylindrical box with a glass bottom. Within this box a solid cylinder could be made to rotate. The fluid to be examined was placed in the annular space between this cylinder and the sides of the box. Polarized light was thrown up through the fluid parallel to the axis, and the inner cylinder was then made to rotate. I was unable to obtain any result with solution of gum or sirup of sugar, though I observed an effect on polarized light when I compressed some Canada balsam which had become very thick and almost solid in a bottle.