During a 20-year period, 112 inguinal hernias were repaired in 109 operations on 101 patients, 34 to 81 years of age, using resection of the spermatic cord as an aid in completely closing the inguinal canal. The hernias chosen for this adjunct were those whose potential recurrence rates have been reported to be as high as 50%, and included 60 recurrent hernias, 27 sliding hernias, 18 large indirect hernias, and 7 direct hernias. Advanced age was not a contraindication. Early postoperatively, there was fever and tenderness and swelling of the testes in two thirds of the cases. One testis was lost owing to wound infection. Thirty-five of the 112 testes showed no noticeable reaction. During a follow-up period of six months or longer, 39 testes showed various degrees of atrophy.