This Focus issue describes a problem in electrical dynamics which has fascinated generations of physiologists. There are today so many views of fibrillation that only the rarest generalization can embrace all of them. Fifty-two prominent investigators collaborate here to present aspects of the problem in these eighteen articles (including this introduction) tailored for readers whose principal expertise lies elsewhere. In “The High One’s Lay” (Norse Runes, ca. 800) Odin remarks, “Much too early I came to many places: the beer was not yet ready, or was already drunk…” but to this one we come at very nearly the right time in 1998. This introduction attempts to guide newcomers by noting the changed or multiple meanings of novel technical terms while sorting the key facts and ideas into an order that facilitates comparison and contrast with those of a dozen years ago. This Focus issue is authored by some of the foremost innovators of both theory and experiment in this area. By assimilating their presentations the readers of Chaos can become well poised to appreciate and evaluate the definitive evidence expected in the next few years.