Studies on the control of sodium excretion in experimental uremia

A study of the mechanisms governing the high rate of sodium excretion per nephron characteristic of patients with chronic renal disease has been made in dogs. A "remnant kidney" was produced by 85% infarction of the left kidney while the right kidney was left intact. A bladder-splitting procedure allowed simultaneous measurement of glomerular filtration rate and the rate of sodium excretion by each kidney. The animals were fed a constant known amount of sodium chloride and 0.1 mg of 9 alpha-fluorohydrocortisone twice daily throughout the study. In a group of dogs fed 3 or 5 g of salt per day, sodium excretion by the remnant kidney averaged 6.5 muEq/min while the intact kidney was present and 53.7 muEq/min when the animals became uremic after the intact kidney was removed. The increased sodium excretion per nephron by the remnant organ often occurred within 18 hr after contralateral nephrectomy and persisted despite experimentally induced acute reductions in the glomerular filtration rate to below prenephrectomy levels. A second group of animals studied in the same manner but receiving 1 g of salt per day or less failed to develop a natriuresis after contralateral nephrectomy despite high grade uremia. Thus an increased impermeable solute load per nephron was not a regulatory factor in the production of the natriuresis. The increased rate of sodium excretion per nephron in uremia resembles that after saline loading in that it may occur without an increase in glomerular filtration rate or a reduction in mineralocorticoid stimulation. It follows that an additional factor or factors must be involved in the genesis of the natriuresis. In contrast to the natriuresis that is seen in normal animals subjected to saline loading, these uremic animals were found not to have a detectable increase in extracellular fluid volume or blood volume in the presence of high fractional sodium excretion rates. Sodium excretion in response to a small salt load by the remnant organ in uremia was 30% greater than the response of both kidneys in the preuremic state despite a markedly reduced total GFR. These data are consistent with the view that the volume control mechanism becomes more responsive in uremia.