Structure of the hydration shells of oligo(dA‐dT)·oligo(dA‐dT) and oligo(dA)·oligo(dT) tracts in B‐type conformation on the basis of Monte Carlo calculations

Monte Carlo simulations [(N, V, T)‐ensemble] were performed for the hydration shell of poly(dA‐dT)·poly(dA‐dT) in canonical B form and for the hydration shell of poly(dA) ·poly(dT) in canonical B conformation and in a conformation with narrow minor groove, highly inclined bases, but with a nearly zero‐inclined base pair plane (B′ conformation). We introduced helical periodic boundary conditions with a rather small unit cell and a limited number of water molecules to reduce the dimensionality of the configuration space. The coordinates of local maxima of water density and the properties of one‐ and two‐membered water bridges between polar groups of the DNA were obtained. The AT‐alternating duplex hydration mirrors the dyad symmetry of polar group distribution. At the dApdT step, a water bridge between the two carbonyl oxygens O2 of thymines is formed as in the central base‐pair step of Dickerson's dodecamer. In the major groove, 5‐membered water chains along the tetranucleotide pattern d (TATA) · d (TATA) are observed. The hydration geometry of poly (dA) · poly(dT) in canonical B conformation is distinguished by autonomous primary hydration of the base‐pair edges in both grooves. When this polymer adopts a conformation with highly inclined bases and narrow minor groove, the water density distribution in the minor groove is in excellent agreement with Dickerson's spine model. One local maximum per base pair of the first layer is located near the dyad axis between adjacent base pairs, and one local maximum per base pair in the second shell lies near the dyad axis of the base pair itself. The water bridge between the two strands formed within the first layer was observed with high probability. But the water molecules of the second layer do not have a statistically favored orientation necessary for bridging first layer waters. In the major groove, the hydration geometry of the (A · T) base‐pair edge resembles the main features of the AT‐pair hydration derived from other sequences for the canonical B form. The preference of the B′ conformation for oligo(dA) · oligo(dT) tracts may express the tendency to common hydration of base‐pair edges of successive base pairs in the grooves of B‐type DNA. The mean potential energy of hydration of canonical B‐DNA was estimated to be −60 to −80 kJ/mole nucleotides in dependence on the (G · C) contents. Because of the small system size, this estimation is preliminary.