Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of theS=1/2Heisenberg LadderCu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4: Quantum Phase Transition and Critical Dynamics

We present an extensive NMR study of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg ladder Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4 in a magnetic field range 4.5–16.7 T. By measuring the proton NMR relaxation rate 1/T1 and varying the magnetic field around the critical field Hc1=Δ/gμB7.5T, we have studied the transition from a gapped spin liquid ground state to a gapless magnetic regime which can be described as a Luttinger liquid. We identify an intermediate regime T|HHc1|, where the spin dynamics is (possibly) only controlled by the T=0 critical point Hc1.
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