Antithrombin histidine variants 1H NMR resonance assignments and functional properties

Three variants of the 57.5 kDa human plasma proteinase inhibitor antithrombin, H1Q, H65C, and H120C, have been expressed in baby hamster kidney cells to permit assignment of the 1H NMR resonances from the three histidines and evaluation of the role of these histidines in heparin binding. The NMR assignments have enabled more definitive interpretation of previous NMR-based studies of human antithrombin to be made. Although resonances of all three histidines are perturbed by heparin binding, only histidine 120 plays a significant role in the heparin binding site. The perturbations of resonances from histidines 1 and 65 indicate proximity to the heparin binding site and consequent sensitivity to the presence of heparin.