A Quantitative Study of the Diphtheria Toxinantitoxin Reaction in the Sera of Various Species including Man

Summary: Using quantitative immunochemical methods, the diphtheria toxin-antitoxin reaction has been studied in hyperimmune rabbit, guinea pig, monkey and human sera. These species all show a typical precipitin reaction. The curves obtained fit the theoretical equations of Heidelberger and Kendall closely and contrast with the flocculation type of toxin-antitoxin reaction characteristic of horse serum. Human and rabbit antitoxins are associated with the γ2-globulin fraction of the serum rather than with the γ1-globulin fraction as is the case in the horse. After relatively short treatment at 56 C, human, monkey and guinea pig antitoxin no longer precipitate with toxin. The capacity of heated antitoxin to neutralize toxin, fix complement and sensitize guinea pigs to anaphylactic shock is only slightly impaired. Rabbit and horse antitoxin are unaffected by prolonged treatment at 56 C. Criteria for determining whether a given precipitin reaction is due to a single antigen-antibody system or to reaction of more than one antigen and antibody are discussed.

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