Action of Sodium Chlorite on Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives

Oxidation of cellulose, O-methyl cellulose, and partially carboxymethylated cellulose with sodium chlorite has been investigated for different concentrations, pH values, reaction times, temperatures, and natures of the substrate. It was found that decom position of sodium chlorite in presence and absence of cellulose showed the same trend. However, change in the chlorite content was nearly the same at pH 4, whereas in pres ence of cellulöse it was higher at pH 6 and 8. The oxidized cellulose showed a decrease in the D.P., a slight increase in the copper number, and an increase in the carboxyl content, depending on the reaction conditions. Oxidation of O-methyl cellulose and partially carboxymethylated cellulose is accompanied by depolymerisation, an increase in the carboxyl content, and a slight decrease in the D.S. of the former and a decrease in the carboxyl content of the latter. The oxidation of cellulose derivatives seems to be independent of the number of free hydroxyl groups, particularly in the acidic medium. A mechanism for the oxidation of cellulose with sodium chlorite is also suggested.