Single Particle Characterization of Ultrafine and Accumulation Mode Particles from Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles Using Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

The aerodynamic size and chemical composition of individual ultrafine and accumulation mode particle emissions (Da = 50−300 nm) were characterized to determine mass spectral signatures for heavy duty diesel vehicle (HDDV) emissions that can be used for atmospheric source apportionment. As part of this study, six in-use HDDVs were operated on a chassis dynamometer using the heavy heavy-duty diesel truck (HHDDT) five-cycle driving schedule under different simulated weight loads. The exhaust emissions were passed through a dilution/residence system to simulate atmospheric dilution conditions, after which an ultrafine aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (UF-ATOFMS) was used to sample and characterize the HDDV exhaust particles in real-time. This represents the first study where refractory species including elemental carbon and metals are characterized directly in HDDV emissions using on-line mass spectrometry. The top three particle classes observed with the UF-ATOFMS comprise 91% of the total particles sampled and show signatures indicative of a combination of elemental carbon (EC) and engine lubricating oil. In addition to the vehicle make/year, the effects of driving cycle and simulated weight load on exhaust particle size and composition were investigated.