Partitioning and transport of water and small solutes into and through nanopores are important to a variety of chemical and biological processes and applications. Here we study water structure in negatively charged model cylindrical [carbon nanotube (CNT)-like] nanopores, as well as the partitioning of positive ions of increasing size ( Na + , K + , and Cs + ) into the pore interior using extensive molecular dynamics simulations. Despite the simplicity of the simulation system—containing a short CNT-like nanopore in water carrying a uniformly distributed charge of q pore = − n e surrounded by n ( = 0 , … , 8 ) cations, making the overall system charge neutral—the results provide new and useful insights on both the pore hydration and ion partitioning. For n = 0 , that is, for a neutral nanopore, water molecules partition into the pore and form single-file hydrogen-bonded wire spanning the pore length. With increasing n , water molecules enter the pore from both ends with preferred orientations, resulting in a mutual repulsion between oriented water molecules at the pore center and creating a cavity-like low density region at the center. For low negative charge densities on the pore, the driving force for partitioning of positive ions into the pore is weak, and no partitioning is observed. Increasing the pore charge gradually leads to partitioning of positive ions into the pore. Interestingly, over a range of intermediate negative charge densities,nanopores display both thermodynamic as well as kinetic selectivity toward partitioning of the larger K + and Cs + ions into their interior over the smaller Na + ions. Specifically, the driving force is in the order K + > Cs + > Na + , and K + and Cs + ions enter the pore much more rapidly than Na + ions. At higher charge densities, the driving force for partitioning increases for all cations—it is highest for K + ions—and becomes similar for Na + and Cs + ions. The variation of thermodynamic driving force and the average partitioning time with the pore charge density together suggest the presence of free energy barriers in the partitioning process. We discuss the role of ion hydration in the bulk and in the pore interior as well as of the pore hydration in determining the barrier heights for ion partitioning and the observed thermodynamic and kinetic selectivities.