The television, school and family smoking prevention/cessation project. II. Formative evaluation of television segments by teenagers and parents – implications for parental involvement in drug education

The present study assessed attitudes of 45 seventh graders and of an independent sample of 52 unrelated parents (of seventh grade students) regarding a mass media-enhanced social psychologically oriented cigarette smoking prevention program. The assessment represented a formative evaluation of family-involvement related variables to aid in the development of a future family-focused substance-abuse prevention program. The results were: (i)adults and youths expressed much interest in having parents be actively involved in prevention interventions; (ii) adults favored minimally assertive interaction strategies in family-oriented prevention strategies with their children, although they encouraged their children to be assertive regarding parental cessation efforts; (iii) two of the most interesting prevention components to adults (peer and media influences) were the least interesting components to youths; and (iv) learning of prevention material was consistent with the differential interest results, although parents generally knew the prevention knowledge item answers even at pretest. This study high-lighted the usefulness of a pretest-media presentation-posttest formative evaluation procedure with independent samples differing in family role status to help improved family-oriented drug education programming.

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