Perceived Level and Sources of Stress in University Professional Schools

The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of level and sources of stress in students of two baccalaureate nursing programs, to compare these groups in their perceived stress and to compare the nursing groups to those enrolled in other health-related disciplines: Medicine, Pharmacy and Social Work. The study was descriptive correlational in design. The sample consisted of 552 full-time university students enrolled in years 2, 3 and 4 of their programs in selected disciplines. Data were collected by means of a queetionnaire consisting of three main instruments; the Beck-Sri vastava Stress Inventory (BSSI), the General Health Questionnaire 30-item version (GHQ-30) and a demographic profile. Data were analyzed using the SPSSx Statistical Package and included analysis of variance, frequency distribution, measures of correlation, item analysis and factor analysis. The results revealed that baccalaureate nursing students, regardless of year in program or university of attendance, experienced higher levels of stress and higher levels of physiological and psychological symptoms than students in other health-related disciplines. Identified stressors among the disciplines are also reported in the article.