Predictive animal testing for photocontact allergenicity

An attempt was made to establish a standardized animal model to predict the photoallergenic potential of new chemical compounds. The main factors influencing the induction of photoallergenicity were evaluated (induction concentration, pH of the test solution, pretreatment of the irradiation site with sodium lauryl sulfate, additional use of adjuvant injections and routes of administration). Osram Ultravitalux lamps were utilized for these studies. A Xenon 6000 W radiation source was used in later experiments. Positive results were obtained with well-known photosensitizers such as the halogenated salicylanilides, and with the so-called weak photoallergens (e.g., bithionol, sulfanilamide) by stimulating the animals immune system with Freund''s complete adjuvant. The photoallergenic compounds were at the same time tested for their contact allergenic potential in the optimization test. A standard procedure for the predictive photoallergenicity assay in guinea pigs is proposed.