Phytochrome-Mediated Cellular Photomorphogenesis

Red light-induced cell elongation and division in intact, etiolated oat (Avena sativa cv Lodi) seedlings have been assessed. The middle of coleoptile was especially responsive in the very low fluence range whereas the region immediately below the coleoptile tip and the two regions just above the coleoptilar node were more responsive than the entire organ in the low fluence range. These responses in the coleoptile are both the result of an increase in cell elongation. Coleoptile cell division is slightly inhibited in the very low and slightly stimulated by red light in the low fluence range. The one-sixth of the mesocotyl closest to the node is more suppressed in its growth than is any other region in the very low fluence range. However, the low fluence response involved the entire mesocotyl equally. In the apical one-sixth of the mesocotyl, a strong suppression of cell division and a weak suppression of cell elongation occurs. In the lower five regions of the mesocotyl, red light in both fluence ranges suppresses only cell elongation. Apparently, the difference between red light-induced oat growth stimulation and suppression primarily involves differences in the response of the cell elongation process.