Long-Term Outcomes of Pediatric Moyamoya Disease Treated by Encephalo-Duro-Arterio-Synangiosis

To investigate the efficacy of encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis (EDAS) for the treatment of pediatric moyamoya disease, we analyzed 11 patients who were followed up for more than 100 months. Among 22 sides in 11 patients, we performed EDAS on 16 sides in 10 pa- tients, encephalo-duro-arterio-myo-synangiosis (EDAMS) on 5 sides in 4 patients and encephalo-myo-synangiosis (EMS) on 1 side. Of the 11 patients, 8 patients showed normal development and had no neurological deficit. The remaining 3 patients showed mild to moderate neurological deficits, but in these cases, pre- and perioperative insults were considered to be attributable to the morbidities. Of 13 sides treated by EDAS, well-developed neovascularization was observed in 12. However, well-developed neovascularization was observed in only 3 out of 6 sides treated by EMS or EDAMS. These data might indicate that EDAS is a therapeutic alternative for the surgical treatment of pediatric moyamoya disease.