Low-Temperature Heat Capacity of Lithium Tetrammine

The heat capacity of lithium tetrammine—Li (NH3)4—has been measured over the temperature range 2°—4°K using a nonadiabatic, heat‐burst technique. The Debye characteristic temperature ΘD was found to be 54.9±0.9°K. Due to the low electron density and to the low ΘD no significant value could be determined for the electronic specific heat. The ``ideal'' electrical resistivity was calculated from the ΘD quoted above and the ρ(ΘD) reported by McDonald and Thompson using the Bloch—Grüneisen theory. Excellent agreement with experiment was found. The specific heat of 99.9% pure cesium metal was also measured from 2.1° to 4.2°K as a test of the apparatus and ΘD found to be 38.5°±1.0°K in agreement with previous work.