Critical experiences in the development of body image

Body image development is influenced by experiences and feedback related to physical appearance. Some experiences, such as teasing, have been reported in previous research. This study was designed to generate a larger set of body image influences by using nominations directly from a diverse sample of clinical and nonclinical subjects. In Study 1, content analyses of open-ended interviews of normal subjects, ages 13 to 64, and clinical subjects seeking help for eating or body image problems, led to an objective inventory consisting of 128 “critical experiences,” divided into 19 categories. In Study 2 with college undergraduates, critical experiences predicted body image and psychological symptoms. Some of the experiences that were frequent or predictive of adjustment have received little attention in the literature. Women reported more negative body image experiences, but the sexes did not differ in the type or importance of the experiences. Identifying critical body image experiences can be useful in therapy for body image problems.