Anal fissure: correlation between symptoms and manometry before and after surgery

The study compared symptoms and manometric results in 76 patients (42 men and 34 women; median age: 45 years) before and at long-term follow-up (median time: 54 months) after fissurectomy with posterior midline sphincterotomy for anal fissure. The fissure healed in all cases. Sporadic loss of continence for flatus or for liquid stool occurred in 21 patients (27.6%) and soiling was present in 7 other patients (9.2%). Preoperative maximum resting anal pressure was significantly greater in the study group compared with 40 control subjects (pppp<0.001) et demeurait plus basse à long terme. La pression de retenue maximale post-opératoire demeurait inchangée. Aucune corrélation n'a pû être trouvée entre les symptomes cliniques pré et post-opératoires (incluant la continence) et la manométrie ano-rectale.