Conditioning of Fly Ash with Ammonia

This paper presents the results of an investigation of the conditioning of fly ash with ammonia in electrostatic pre-cipitators of power plants operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority. It focuses attention primarily on the mechanisms of conditioning encountered under the particular circumstances available for study. No effect of ammonia on the electrical resistivity of fly ash was evident. Instead, the effect of ammonia appeared to be an enhancement pf the space-charge component of the electric field used for charging and precipitating particles of fly ash. In addition, a second effect appeared to be an increase in the cohesiveness of precipitated ash and a reduction in the quantity of ash reentrained during electrode rapping. Data demonstrating the value of ammonia conditioning for lowering the emission pf fly ash during three precipitator studies are presented. Reasons for the ineffectiveness of ammonia conditioning during a fourth precipitator study are discussed. In conclusion, comments are made about the effects to be expected from ammonia conditioning under circumr stances different from those investigated experimentally, particularly with ammonia as a conditioning agent for fly ash from low sulfur western coal.

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