The cell walls of Ectocarpus acutus and Elachista fucicola, when examined using freeze-etching and thin-sectioning techniques, are seen to be very different in structure. The cell wall of Ectocarpus has an inner zone of compacted microfibrils and an outer zone of bundles of fibrils. The bundles are interwoven as a reticulum from which individual fibrils extend so that the outer surface of the cell is pilose. In contrast, the outer surface of the cell wall of Elachista is smooth, though interrupted by small craters which may represent the eruption sites of vesicles. The wall is uniformly structured as a reticulum of compacted micro-fibrils and the outer surface appears to slough as thin flakes. An examination of other taxa using these techniques may aid evaluation of phylogenetic relationships in the haplostichous Phaeophyta.

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