A Model for Studying Determinants of Intention To Participate in Continuing Professional Education

This article presents a theoretical model for a program of research into the determinants of a professional's intention to par ticipate in continuing education. This model is based on Fishbein's (4) general theoretical framework. The adapted framework con sists of three components. The first component is the professional's attitude toward participating in continuing education. This atti tude is taken to be dependent on what the professional believes will be the consequences of participating and what value the pro fessional places on these consequences. The second component is related to the professional's perception of what most people who are important to the professional think about his or her participa tion. It is also related to the importance the professional places on these perceived expectations. The third component is related to the professional's personal beliefs about whether he or she should participate and to the professional's motivation to comply with these personal beliefs. For each component, items are pre sented which illustrate how the component might be assessed.

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