Light‐induced resistance changes in retinal rods and cones of the tiger Salamander

1. The electrical properties of retinal rods and cones of the larval tiger salamander were investigated with intracellular electrodes, and the cells identified by means of dye injections.2. Both types of photoreceptors are hyperpolarized by illumination. Following stimulation with brief flashes of dim light, rod responses show a slower time course than cone responses; with bright flashes, rod responses can be recognized because of their long recovery time.3. Values of input resistance were derived from the voltage displacement induced by constant current pulses in darkness or at the peak of the photoresponse. The input resistance following illumination was also calculated from the effect of steady polarizing currents on the amplitude of the photoresponse.4. In darkness, the input resistance of the rod cells is time- and voltage-dependent, but the voltage-current relations of most cells have a linear region which includes the physiological limits of membrane potential. At the peak of the photoresponse, the input resistance (slope of the linear region of the v-i relations) is decreased.5. Cone cells show approximately linear v-i relations. As reported by previous authors, illumination increases the input resistance.6. These results support the current view that the cone photoresponse is the consequence of a reduction in the permeability of channels which in darkness shunt the membrane. In rods, however, it appears that the main effect of illumination is to increase the permeability of the membrane to ions for which the equilibrium potential is more negative than the membrane potential in darkness.