Community Structure and Biomass of Euphausiids in the Bay of Fundy

Seven species of euphausiids were found in the Bay of Fundy: Meganyctiphanes norvegica, Thysanoessa inermis, T. longicaudata, T. raschii, T. gregaria, Euphausia krohnii, and Nematoscelis megalops (listed in descending order of abundance). A high-intensity sampling scheme during November and March facilitated detailed distributional studies which revealed that M. norvegica, T. inermis, and T. longicaudata each had a specific stationary center of abundance in the study area, and each species performed a different pattern of diurnal vertical migration. Meganyctiphanes norvegica formed 90% (constituting 70 kt) of the euphausiids. The last four species were occasional immigrants from areas south of the Bay of Fundy. From the relationships between life history stages, vertical migration patterns, distribution, and currents in the Fundy Region, we suggest that these euphausiid species form stocks.Key words: euphausiids, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, Thysanoessa inermis, Thysanoessa longicaudata, biomass, community structure, stock, Bay of Fundy