Analysis of mutations at the neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) locus.

A panel of 200 unrelated NF1 individuals has been screened for mutations using a panel of specific clones for the entire gene. DNA analysis on conventional Southern blots indicated that (20) 10% of NF1 patients showed aberrant bands. Small lesions involving nucleotide alterations were detected in a further 10 patients; 5 of these alterations have been fully characterised and are the novel mutations in the NF1 gene. A number of mutations were identified in exon 2. Identical mutations in this exon in two unrelated individuals involved an insertion of cytosine into codon 5662 and resulted in an inappropriate stop codon. This mutation also created a new MnlI site. Another novel mutation in exon 2 resulted from the insertion of thymidine at nucleotide 5678, which also created an inappropriate stop codon. We have so far completed the screen of exons 1–9 of the NF1 gene for the identification of mutations and have found no evidence of clustering of such mutations in the gene.