Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization for Prostate Diagnostics: Spectral Parameters vs. Texture Parameters. Sonohistologie für die Prostatadiagnostik: Vergleich von Spektral- und Texturparametern

An ultrasonic multi-feature tissue characterizing system for the detection of prostate cancer is presented. The system is based on the processing of radio frequency (RF) ultrasonic echo data. Data from 100 patients was acquired in a clinical study. Parameters are extracted from the RF echo data and classified using two adaptive network-based fuzzy inference systems (FIS) working in parallel as a nonlinear classifier. Next to spectral parameters, conventional texture parameters are calculated using demodulated and log-compressed echo data. In the first approach, the classifier is trained on both, spectral and texture parameters. In the second approach, the classifier is only trained on texture parameters. Classification results of both approaches are compared and it is demonstrated, that only the use of spectral parameters yields satisfying classification results. Results of a minimum distance classifier (MDC) are presented for comparison with the fuzzy inference system. For the final fuzzy inference systems used in this approach, the area under the ROC curve is between 84% and 86% for the combined approach and between 70% and 74% for the approach based on texture parameters only.